Foodie music: Spain & Portugal

Spain is somewhere we’ve visited before but this was our first time in Barcelona, Granada and Seville. We followed that up with our second Nos Alive in Lisbon, which marked the first time in our trip that we were revisiting somewhere. It signalled a shift in the journey, where the end was more clearly in…

Swiftly onwards: Hungary & Bulgaria

After a strong start to our European leg, it wasn’t long until we hit our final points in the East: Budapest and Bulgaria. Again, we had time for 2-3 days in each location with mixed results.

Back to EU: Berlin and Poland

We arrived in the EU tired, dirty, but excited to continue the journey after an exhilarating time in Japan. Our first stops were in Berlin and across Poland, where we continued our accidental trend of digging into some dark periods of history. It’s not all gloomy though, as throughout we were struck by some stunning architecture and food which was a million miles from what we’d been eating the previous five months.

Japan highlights and roundup

As covered last time, Japan met our expectations and then some. This post we’re going to go into more detail on our six highlights, and roundup our time in the country.

Japan exceeds our expectations

We flew into Japan with high hopes, given that it’s a country that we’ve long wanted to visit. There are also certain expectations which, rightly or wrongly, have seeped in through years of pop culture, memes and watching from afar. We were delighted to find out that the ones which count – the good, positive expectations – were more than met. This part of the journey was, moreso than any other, everything we hoped it would be.

Well-fed: 7 foodie highlights from Malaysia

Malaysia treated us to some of the best food we’ve had on our trip, so we wanted to spend a bit of time talking about it. Prepare to be hungry: here are our seven Malaysian food highlights.

Into the unknown: Malaysia

As a late addition to our itinerary, Malaysia is a country we hadn’t researched nearly as much as some of our other destinations. So as we landed in Kuala Lumpur for the third time and finally exited the airport on foot, we were nearly winging it. In this post we want to give a sense of the country’s diversity and the range of experiences available, two of the main things we took away.

Phuket: wrapping up Thailand

We finish Thailand in Phuket, an island we chose purely because onward flights were cheap. Because we were only there a few days we did splash out on a nice hotel, which we couldn’t fully enjoy due to a stupidity-related injury.

Whole Lanta Love: Ko Lanta

Our time in Thailand could only end after some time on the beaches, and we found the perfect place with Ko Lanta. Quiet, beautiful, and relaxing. Less chilled was moving between four separate hotels.

Backpacker ground zero: Bangkok

It’s finally time to experience Bangkok. The jumping-off point for many a backpacking adventure, home to the (in)famous Khaosan Road and somewhere we’d heard conflicting views on. Some of our friends love it, others couldn’t wait to leave the place. We were pretty excited to find out for ourselves.